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Ethics for Supervisors



CCER in special collaboration with


presents the following webinar:

Ethics for Supervisors

with Debra Whitehead, Senior Associate, CTAT, LLC; Senior Trainer/Consultant 

"Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have the right to do and what is the right thing to do."
Former United State Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

In this 1.5 hour webinar, with your help and interaction, we will discuss "applied ethics," the process of applying principles and guidance provided by the Code of Professional Ethics for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, to situations you've encountered.  We'll briefly review the principles and values provided by The Code and investigate a definition of ethical dilemma and ethical behavior. We will explore contemporary issues regarding ethical behavior and ethical decision making. We will explore a process of personal review and what do we do when we have concerns about the ethical choices of the people we supervise. And we will discuss unique supervisor ethical dilemmas you and others send in.

Debra Whitehead has over 30 years of experience advancing organizational and team performance by implementing innovative training techniques, strategic organizational consulting, and proven human resources methodologies. She has worked with NASA and their partners through 4-D Systems and effectively redesigned the same team development experience for human services. Debra has worked in other sectors such as corporate manufacturing, nonprofits, health care, schools, and government; supporting union and nonunion environments. She creatively and effectively developed, designed, and delivered distance and in-person programs to increase skills in supervision, management, leadership, conflict, team development, ethics, training and presentation skills, communication, performance management and accountability, and more. As a licensed Bridges Out of Poverty trainer, Debra has become a highly sought out presenter, and is currently working on a book on poverty for the business sector. She particularly specializes in strategically addressing the gap between desired performance and actual performance of individuals and teams.

Up to 01.5 CRC credits offered per individual.

Registration Fee

$115 per site