Dealing with Aggression
Week 1 of a 4 part series
Dealing with customers who have aggressive communication style. How to work more effectively with a customer who has Antisocial or Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Learning objective:
To learn tools on how to effectively communicate with customers who have antisocial or narcissistic personality disorder.
"What is a Master Class?"
A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline. CCER's Master Class Series brings the best in clinical and practical information to vocational rehabilitation counselors and other professionals. Each series involves 1-4 webinars taught by recognized experts and focusing on a specific aspect of the VR counselor's challenging role, with time for questions and consultation following the presentation.
CCER presents the following webinar series:
with Renee Smith and Martha Dodsworth
Tough Customers: Dealing with people with aggressive styles-antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders; strategies for moving people with borderline personality disorders forward; methods for dealing with substance abuse and relapse; finding retention of difficult populations including those with a criminal history.
- Aggressive communication
- Antisocial or Narcissistic Personality disorders
- Strategies for moving people with Borderline Personality disorder forward
- Substance abuse and relapse
- Retention for difficult populations including those with a criminal history
Webinars are 90 minutes long 2:30pm to 4pm PST for one; $199 per site for all four webinars