Register today for the JD-VRTAC and Demand-Side RRTC national conference
The Job-Driven Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center (JD-VRTAC) and the Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Demand-Side Strategies (Demand-Side RRTC) will co-host a national conference, Meeting Employer Demand in a Job-Driven Economy: Diversity, Inclusion, and VR's Evolving Role.
The conference will highlight demand-side VR research and job-driven practices from VR agencies across the country. Demand-side strategies and research outcomes can help inform state VR agencies’ procedures and policies around improving business intelligence, serving business and consumers as the dual-customer, meeting industry demands, and using labor market information.
We invite staff from all state VR agencies and partnering organizations, as well as VR researchers, to attend this two-day, in-person conference.
Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) who attend will be eligible to receive CRC credits.
To Register: https://www.uacurrents.org/RegistrationSystem/Register?m=1ut
To book your hotel room as part of the conference room block: https://aws.passkey.com/go/ARKS
Stay tuned on ExploreVR for additional details.
To request accommodations for this event, please contact Katie Allen at Katie.allen@umb.edu.