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Looking at Transition Through the MI Lens



Kelly Franklin, Institute for Individual and Organizational Change (IFIOC)

This workshop will focus on utilizing Motivational Interviewing when working with students transitioning into the world of work. The "Looking at Transition Through the MI Lens" workshop will cover core basic MI structure related to everyday transition and VR scenarios related to engagement, focus, and planning. This workshop will be 90 minutes in length and will provide participants an opportunity to share real life scenarios and to ask questions regarding basic practices and/or challenges they face in serving transition youth. Be prepared to share scenarios or examples or to simply learn from other's examples.

This presentation has been designed for professionals with an intermediate to advance background in Motivational Interviewing.


Presenter Background:
Kelly Franklin currently works for the Institute for Individual and Organizational Change (IFIOC) and has dedicated the last 4-years, exclusively to providing Motivational Interviewing training and consulting. Kelly currently provides training and consulting across the nation in a variety of government systems including a variety of public VR systems. Kelly has a 25-year background working within the public VR system and is easily able to blend both worlds of VR and Motivational Interviewing. Kelly has committed her career in supporting individuals with disabilities and the professionals that serve those individuals.

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