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Expectations for High Performing Staff: How Supervisors Use Data to Tell a Story - Part 1




in special collaboration with

 presents the following 2-part webinar series:

Using Data to Improve Performance - Part 1  

with Darlene Groomes

VR personnel recognize the evolution in what constitutes effective staff performance now that WIOA has been implemented. In this two-part webinar, an audience of state VR agency supervisors will learn about high performance and accountability in daily work practices, and how to impart expectations of continuous improvement across the VR organization.

March 30, 2016 10:30am to noon Pacific
Part 1 will describe concepts that work together to create an expectation of excellence among state VR agency staff.  Supervisors who understand and convey confidence in the concepts of high performance, employee climate, morale, productivity, qualitative return on investment, and evidence-based practice will be equipped to motivate staff and encourage excellence in their daily practice.

April 6, 2016 10:30am to noon Pacific
Part 2 will describe, through a real-VR agency example, two or three current VR management reports that provide data to inform on staff performance. There will be discussion of identifying which data are important to examine, and how to frame the evaluation experience as an exercise in continuous learning and improvement. Using information learned in Part 1, the audience will engage in situational conversations to problem-solve approaches to staff performance evaluations. 

Darlene A.G. Groomes

is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development and Child Studies at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.  She teaches in the area of Special Education and her research interests include: performance management in vocational rehabilitation, psychological adaptation to disability, and human-animal interactions among youth and families living with autism spectrum disorders.  Her most recent publications center on the themes of quality management, innovation, and value creation within VR organizations. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC).  Dr. Groomes is a Past President of the Rehabilitation Program Evaluation Network (RPEN) and is a member of the Summit Navigators, which is the steering committee that guides the actions of the Summit Group on Performance Management in Vocational Rehabilitation community of practice.

Registration Fee:

$199 per site for the 2-part series 

We offer a total of 03.0 CRC credits