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Ethics and Family Dynamics

"What is a Master Class?" 

A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline.  CCER's Master Class Series brings the best in clinical and practical information to vocational rehabilitation counselors and other professionals.  Each topic involves 1-4 webinars taught by recognized experts and focusing on a specific aspect of the VR counselor's challenging role, with time for questions and consultation following the presentation.

CCER presents the following webinar:

Ethics and Family Dynamics   

with Mary Barros-Bailey, PhD, CRC

Ethics and the family has had little attention in the rehabilitation counseling literature.
This presentation offers operational definitions and insights as to the treatment of ethics in a family context when working in rehabilitation counseling and disability services.

Mary Barros-Bailey, PhD, CRC, is a bilingual rehabilitation counselor, vocational expert, and life care planner in private practice based out of Boise, Idaho.  She has presented over 150 times nationally and internationally on professional topics, including ethics, has published or is completing nine book chapters, has 20 peer-reviewed publications, and has been part of the discourse of professional issues in rehabilitation counseling for about two decades. Dr. Barros-Bailey teaches as adjunct faculty in graduate programs at the University of Idaho and Boise State University. 

Registration Fee:

$115 per site
We offer 1.5 CRC credits