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Customized Training: An Inclusive Employment Training Option in VR Practice



Presenters: Mary Wright and Neil McNeil

The Langston University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Research and Capacity Building for Minority Entities (Langston RRTC) and the Job-Driven Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center (JD-VRTAC) are presenting a webinar on how vocational rehabilitation (VR) programs serve people with disabilities through the use of Customized Training (CT) models. The presentation will focus on the challenges faced and benefits gained by people with disabilities from racial, ethnic, and other minority backgrounds participating in CT employment training programs. 

The objectives for this webinar are to:

  • Identify and explore employment barriers that people with disabilities from racial and ethnic minorities and other diverse populations experience.
  • Present CT practices and programs that demonstrate the benefits of CT for employment success.
  • Identify outreach efforts that support the development of CT programs and inclusion of a diverse range of people with disabilities in CT. 

This webinar is free and worth 1 CRC credit. Participants must complete the evaluation at the end of the presentation to receive the CRC credit. 

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