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Cohort 4: Basic Ethical Considerations for VR Professionals


Online via Moodle

Self-paced course starts January 11, 2021

Visit Cvent to Register

This course is presented by the Center For Continuing Education in  Rehabilitation (CCER), and is designed to meet the needs of  rehabilitation professionals.

It is designed to be completed on your own time, at your own pace with all assignments due by the end of the final day.  You can start as soon as you are registered for the course.

After this course is completed, you should be reminded of:

  • The CRCC Code of Ethics
  • the ethical values and principles that guide the CRCC Code
  • the impact of cultural differences and values and ethical practice
  • ethical issues and extending professional boundaries
  • the areas of your job where ethical issues, conflicts, and dilemmas arise and how to resolve them