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CANCELLED--2020 WA State TBI Conference


Hotel Murano, 1320 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402

An Update on the 2020 WA State TBI Conference

The recent outbreak of COVID-19 continues to impact ongoing and planned events.  In partnership with DSHS/ALTSA we are sharing the following information regarding the cancellation of the Washington State Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Conference.  This conference will not be rescheduled.  Please read carefully the message from ALTSA/DSHS below for additional information.

WA State Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Conference Cancellation

Due to new Public Health guidance related to COVID-19 precautions, we will be cancelling the WA ST TBI Conference currently scheduled for April 15th and 16th 2020.  This decision was made after careful consideration on the part of DSHS and in consultation with University of Washington Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation (CCER) as the Conference Organizer.

We understand that having to cancel this event is a disappointment to participants, family members, caregivers and to the TBI Community at large and that it creates disruptions for everyone concerned.

We appreciate the interest in conference opportunities across the state and have been working hard toward meeting this goal by developing regional 1-Day conference events.  These events will be scheduled over the next 12 months.     

These regional 1 Day Conferences are in the planning phase:
* Spokane Valley May 30, 2020
* Yakima June 6, 2020

* Future potential locations are Bellingham, Vancouver, Tacoma, Port Angeles, Tri-Cities and potentially more.  Please check the ALTSA website for updates on future TBI Conference and Training sessions:



We look forward to providing updated information in the near future.

We appreciate your understanding in such a dynamic changing environment with the public health concerns around COVID-19 and our final decision in reducing risk for all our partners and participants.