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2016 Emerging Leaders Series - Application Deadline

2016 Emerging Leaders Announcement - Nomination and Application Form

The Emerging Leaders Series is intended primarily for:

  • Mid- and upper-level managers, including directors, of community-based rehabilitation, job-training, and related programs.
  • Mid-managers of state agencies involved in rehabilitation, job-training, and related programs.

Individuals are nominated by the directors of their agencies (who may nominate themselves) or by others in leadership positions with the approval of their agency director or board chairperson.

The criteria for nominations are:

  • Demonstrated leadership potential
  • Professionally competent and respected
  • Commitment to their field and to the people they serve.
  • Willingness to invest considerable time and effort to develop their leadership potential

Nominations of persons who are members of groups that have been traditionally underrepresented, such as members of racial or ethnic minority groups, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged.


Individuals accepted into the Emerging Leaders Series must agree to attend and actively participate in all three sessions. There will be material to read or other assignments prior to every session and occasional evening assignments during the sessions. Each participant will be required to develop and implement a project that will result in a positive change within their organization or community. 


There will be a $2,500.00 registration fee for the 9 days of training. Travel and per diem expenses are the responsibility of the participant and/or participant's agency. Registration fees are due at the time of acceptance into the program unless arrangements have been made with CTAT, LLC. Participants selected to participate in the 2016 Emerging Leaders Series will receive instructions on how to register with and make payment to CTAT, LLC.

2016 Schedule

Session I: Tuesday June 14 - Friday June 17 (Seattle, WA)
Session II: Tuesday August 2 - Friday August 5 (Seattle, WA)
Session III: Tuesday November 1 - Friday Novemer 4 (Olympia, WA)