Areas of Expertise
Eva joined the University of Washington, Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation (CCER) in March 2014 and was the Northwest ADA Center Assistant Director. She provided lead support, training, and strategic implementation of daily activities and operations of the NW ADA Center. In her current position, as the Assistant CCER Director of Programs, she coordinates opportunities for integration and synergy across CCER projects and helps lead in the development, management, and integration of innovative and strategic projects that support both the Center's mission and long-term financial growth. As the Director of Accessible Design and Innovative Inclusion (ADII) at CCER, she directs the daily management of projects related to comprehensive accessibility assessment. She provides consultation and guidance on access to programs and services, policy and systems improvement, and other provisions of the ADA related to federal and state requirements for businesses, state and local governments, and customers. Additionally, she provides technical assistance, training, and consultation services on various projects including JDVRTAC, Vocational Rehabilitation Coalition for Region 10 (AK, ID, WA, and OR), Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisory Academy, Traumatic Brain Injury in Corrections, and other criminal justice systems project nationwide.
Relevant Experience and Education
Eva received her undergraduate degree from the University of Washington and her Master's degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Western Washington University (WWU) and is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC). She was in the field of vocational rehabilitation counseling and employment services for about 14 years, as a lead vocational rehabilitation counselor at the Washington State Department of Services for the Blind (DSB). She served as a State Rehabilitation Council member for WA State DSB and long-standing Advisory Committee member at WWU's Rehabilitation Counseling graduate program. She also served on a Taskforce to establish certification criteria and effectiveness for One-Stop Centers. Eva was an appointee to the Governor's Committee on Disability and Employment Issues (GCDE) and served as the Co-Chair of the Youth Leadership Forum, a subcommittee of the GCDE, from 2009 to 2014.